Ibrahim Othman’s new book is a product of his 10 years experience of teaching Arabic as a second language.
Levantine Arabic learners’ guide is aimed to be a grammar reference for students and to support them during their learning journey. The book uses a very easy method to follow in terms of explaining the grammar and more the focus on the practice and examples and over 1000 essential vocabulary.
In the coming chapter, there 250 verbs have been conjugated with the most used tenses in Levantine Arabic:
-The past tense
-The b-prefix present tense “simple present tense”
-The subjunctive
-The future tense
-The present continuous tense
-The going to, form
-The present perfect continuous tense
-The imperative
-The passive
-The verbal noun
-The active participle
Each verb is supported with sufficient examples to help you understand how these verbs are used in context

This book idea started when the pandemic hit, students started to struggle to study and some fell behind in their study. In order to tackle this, I initially started to make tutorials on YouTube to help everyone but wanted to make something that, will continue on the same path that I use in my classes by explaining the grammar in easy terms that, everyone will understand.
This book aims to give you the most essential grammar that a learner of the dialect will need to reach to upper intermediate level and other grammatical cases were excluded for a number of reasons of which is sticking to making the book easier to understand.
The book contains approx. 2000 high-frequency vocabulary, 7 essential tenses and 3 most commonly used derivatives in Levantine Arabic.
*Ibrahim Othman studied Arabic at the University of Damascus and has a master’s in Applied Linguistics (Merit) London. He has over 10 years experience of teaching Arabic as a second language (MSA and various dialects)
The book out at https://www.amazon.com/Levantine-Arabic-grammar-Ibrahim-Othman-ebook/dp/B09NMJSK57